Sri Devikarumari


Ambigai who blessed the Sun

One of the sportive arts of Devikarumari. One day Devikarumari took the image of old nomadic lady and went to Sun to forecast his future. Without realising her as Devikarumari, He simply neglected her. Devikarumari immediately vanished. Sun has lost it’s brightness and its glory started declining. Realising his mistake He begged Devikarumari to forgive and excuse him. Sun also requested Devikarumari to celebrate Sunday as the day of Devikarumari. Devikarumari also accepted it. He also got permission from Her to pour on her sun rays twice in a year in the month of Panguni and Purattasi. So Sunday is celebrated as the day of Karumari . We can happily witness the scene of sun rays falling on the head of Devikarumari twice in a year.

Devikarumari made Narayanan Seat there

Once upon a time Lord Thirumal came to Thiruverkadu to witness the grace rule of Umadevi. When Thirumal personally met his sister Karumari, she requested him “to seat there as Srinivasan of Thirumurai and assist Her and bless the devotees who worship Navagraham and stand towards southern direction”. He was happy and promised Her, that He would sit by her side and protect the position of Nine planets. Veda Viyasar was extremely happy to see Annai Parasakthi and Lord Venkatesan together.

Mahamari who gave turmeric

Two sisters by name Sundari and Sarathai were in the snake world. They were having enticing beauty and they could not get suitable bridegroom . To redress this grievance they performed pooja for Kali. Narathar came there and told them the time is ripe now; so go to Thiruverkadu pray Karumari and get Her blessings. Devikarumari appeared before these sisters and instructed them “Children ! Take bath in the Sambar Poigai and drink turmeric water for one mandalam and pray Sakthi. Your grievances will be redressed and you will lead happy life”. As per instructions of Devi Karumari, both the sisters performed the pooja. At the end of one mandalam princess Sambu and Balan came there and saw Sundari and Sarathai. They fell in love with each other. Sundari married Sambu and Sarathai married Balan and they lived happily for long time. Even now the turmeric of Devi Karumari blesses unmarried girls with bridegrooms and child for those who are not having children. Patients are relieved of their disease.

Poorani - emerged as Neem

Neem is capable of putting a fight against god of death ( Yeman). Neem leaves are slogans! They are diplomatic ! They cure many diseases !. They drive away many evils ! Devi Karumari has said “I am living in the neem leaves and it will give life”. People are getting neem leaves from Devi Karumari piously. Mantras uttered With neem leaves and cane drive away bad evils and the devotees get cured.

Muthu Veera Swami

Kasi city was ruled by Thulasirajan. His wife was Karpoora Valli. Both of them were very good couples and good in devotion to God. With the blessings of Parasakthi a male child was born to Karpoora Valli on Chittrai Full moon day. The king’s astrologer who wrote the horoscope for the baby told if the boy was brought up in the place, the king dynasty would end; country would face severe famine; the people of the country would die. Other astrologers also stressed the same.


Kathavarayan was born from the rays of Lord Siva’s third eye. Devi formed a garden on the banks of the river Ganga and appointed Kathavarayan as watchman. Once he took away the dresses of women who came there for bathing and so he was cursed by Devi Karumari . Because of that curse he had to take birth seven time. King also punished him to die on pointed stake (Kazhumaram). When he was about to die on pointed stake (Kazhumaram), he got relieved from the curse. Karumari took pity on him and instructed him to sit on the North east quarter side and bless all those who come to see her. Celebrations are being held for Kathaveera Samy on Chittrai Full Moon Day. Kathaveera Samy is taken round the temple in glass tank which is the specialty of the function.

Devi Karumari driving away  disease with cane

In this Kaliyuga injustice and sin are growing more and more. Even the good people are becoming bad. To avoid this stage saints prayed Narayanan. Then involved Lord Siva and debated this matter to Him. In the end all decided to surrender before Devi Karumari at Thiruverkadu. Accordingly all came there and worshipped her. Devi Karumari developed anger in her face, took the cane and wielded it all around and took a vow. She will make good people enrich and bad people perish. Even today those who are blessed by the ardent devotee ( Devi Yubasakar) with cane get relief from physical and mental agonies and live happily with the blessings of Devi Karumari. She remained so for many aeons and has taken the image of Kaurmari. Agasthiar worshipped her by early morning on Poosa star, full moon day, during Athi week in the month of Thai. Devikarumari was very happy and she blessed him ” to make the world know a lot about Tamil”

Devi Karumari has reined over fine arts

Deva’s chamber was full. Narathar who came there put forth his doubt before the chamber. Saint Vashister questioned him ” What is your doubt ? ” Narathar told Indiran to give “chew betel”(thambulam) to Kalaimagal and asked her to take her “art throne”. Indiran went to kalaimagal with chew betel and requested her to seat in art throne. But kalaimagal politely refused to accept the throne, and told him that she was still studying a lot and it was fit only for those who learned the arts completely. Finally it was decided that only Devi karumari is the right person to accept it.
Narathar and Indiran along with vanavar, saints and Balamurugan approached Devi Karumari and requested her to accept it.  Devi Karumari , an embodiment of love and mercy appeared as full light and accepted it with the comment, ” Son, I am happy. I accept your request. I am very happy for offering me chew betel. Likewise I will be happy and bless the people who offer me chew betel”.
Even now, during  Devi Karumari Temple functions chew betels are being distributed. It is to be specifically mentioned that Devi Karumariamman is  decorated with betal during such occasions.

Kumba Maari

Honouring the request of Lord Siva, Karumari merged all the five elements in a kumbam and made Ganga to come out of it and sat with neem leaves. That pose can even be seen today while she blesses her devotees.

Devi Karumari told “If you pray snake idol kept under Neem or white neem tree, Karumari will bless you. If you pour milk in snake anthill you will get uplift in life and the bad effect of Ragu and Kethu will be removed “. During Adi festival, pouring of milk in snake anthill is celebrated as a special event. She gave boon to five elements, made them as five headed snake and wear it on her head.

Lion Mount (Vahanam)
Lord Siva decided only Lion Mount was most suitable for Karumari to go around the world to bless Her devotees. So mayai, “tharagan” of Lord Muruga became lion and reached Thiurverkadu. Devi Karumari was giving pose sitting on it. All are extremely happy to witness that scene on Sunday, Full moon and poosam in the month of Thai.

There is reference about Thiruverkadu in Kandapuranam. The history about this sacred place has taken place in the Theertha kaadhai, Kalika kandam, Sanath Kumara shemshithai in Kandapuranam. There is very high reputed history about this sacred place in the Theertha kaadhai of Kaligakandam.
Devi Karumari - Symbol of wisdom as worshipped by wisemen

There are references about this holy place in the myth written by the great saint Veda Viyasar. This information can be seen as details given by the Soothaga Munivar to the saints assembled in the Naimi saranyam. Apart from the mythic history many great saints came to this holy place worshipped the deity and praised the glory of lord with their songs.
Arunagirinathar and Sambandar composed many poems about this place. Sekilar Peruman in his Periya Puranam has sung about this holy place and about Moorkka Nayanar. Apart from what was mentioned in the mythics and the songs composed by the Siva saints, poor lay men every day came to this place and prayed god in their own language and style. if we compile them then the whole world will be filled with the praising words about this place, the glory of  Devi Karumari and nobility of Vedapuresswarar with Balambiga.